“They always handle my orders for prints with such care and compassion!! Not to mention they turn out stunning, every single time. Such a friendly and well versed staff; I will always order my photography prints from these lovely people.”

- Anne-Marie Auer www.anne-marieauer.com

Photo Prints

Our photo prints meet the exacting standards of professional photographers who demand nothing less than the highest quality. Whether intended for galleries, exhibitions, or family photo albums, our professional photo prints are vibrant, sharp, and color accurate. Using the same 12-color printing process as our Fine Art Prints, we are able to produce gorgeous photo prints to cherish for years to come.

Photo Paper Types

Choose Photo Luster for vibrant images that pop with rich colors and sharp details, perfect for capturing the essence of clear moments. For a timeless, elegant appeal, our Fine Art Natural offers a smooth texture that without glare, giving images and art prints a stunning boost. Looking for depth and volume? Our Photo Metallic enhances metallic elements and adds a three-dimensional quality to high-contrast landscapes and images. No matter your preference, our selection of photo papers ensures that your print is a true reflection of your vision.

Poster Bond

Poster Bond provides a cost-effective option for printing short-term, full-color posters, renderings, and presentation graphics.  While we don’t recommend this for photographs, it can be used for proofing.

Weight: 170gsm • Thickness: 9mil
Finish: Matte • Texture: Smooth

Photo Luster

Our Photo Luster is a heavyweight photo paper that has the same look and feel of traditional photographic prints. It produces deep, rich colors. It has a wide variety of uses from wedding or portrait photography, professional photo prints, upscale presentations, and graphic design.

Weight: 300gsm • Thickness: 11.5mil
Finish: Satin/Semi-Gloss • Texture: E-Surface/Luster

high contrast colorful flowers printed on metallic photo paper

Photo Metallic

The metallic, high-gloss surface results in prints that are sharp, vibrant, and exceptionally rich-looking. This paper provides the perfect way to make portraits, black-and-white photography, and wildlife photos stand out from the others. High-contrast photos look amazing on Photo Metallic. The scratch-resistant surface places it above most other metallic papers.

Weight: 255gsm • Thickness: 10mil
Finish: Gloss • Texture: Smooth

Fine Art Natural

A great introductory fine art paper and our most popular, Fine Art Natural is a 100% cotton, acid-free paper.  It is an excellent choice for fine art prints and high-end photo prints. It features a natural white shade which gives printed images a very slight warmth.

Weight: 280gsm • Thickness: 12mil
Finish: Matte • Texture: Smooth

Photo Print Pricing

Need a custom size? We can print any size from 3”x5” up to 42”x96”. Bulk discounts are available as well.

Print Size Poster Bond Photo Luster Photo Metallic Fine Art
Wallets (8) NA $6.32 NA NA
3.5x5 $1.12 $1.58 $2.41 $1.85
4x4 $1.03 $1.45 $2.20 $1.69
4x5 $1.28 $1.81 $2.75 $2.12
4x6 $1.54 $2.17 $3.30 $2.54
5x5 $1.60 $2.26 $3.44 $2.64
5x7 $2.24 $3.16 $4.82 $3.70
6x6 $2.30 $3.25 $4.95 $3.81
6x8 $3.07 $4.33 $6.60 $5.07
7x7 $3.13 $4.42 $6.74 $5.18
7x10 $4.47 $6.32 $9.63 $7.40
8x8 $4.09 $5.78 $8.80 $6.76
8x10 $5.11 $7.22 $11.00 $8.45
8x12 $6.13 $8.66 $13.20 $10.14
8.5x11 $5.97 $8.44 $12.86 $9.88
9x12 $6.90 $9.75 $14.85 $11.41
10x10 $6.38 $9.02 $13.75 $10.56
10x13 $8.30 $11.73 $17.88 $13.73
10x15 $9.57 $13.53 $20.63 $15.84
10x20 $12.76 $18.04 $27.50 $21.12
10x30 $19.14 $27.06 $41.25 $31.68
11x14 $9.83 $13.90 $21.18 $16.27
11x16 $11.23 $15.88 $24.20 $18.59
11x17 $11.94 $16.87 $25.72 $19.75
12x12 $9.19 $12.99 $19.80 $15.21
12x16 $12.25 $17.32 $26.40 $20.28
12x18 $13.79 $19.49 $29.70 $22.81
12x24 $18.38 $25.98 $39.60 $30.42
12x36 $27.57 $38.97 $59.40 $45.62
13x19 $15.76 $22.28 $33.97 $26.09
15x30 $28.71 $40.59 $61.88 $47.52
16x16 $16.34 $23.10 $35.20 $27.04
16x20 $18.56 $26.24 $40.00 $30.72
16x24 $22.28 $31.49 $48.00 $36.87
18x18 $18.80 $26.57 $40.50 $31.11
18x24 $25.06 $35.43 $54.00 $41.48
20x20 $23.20 $32.80 $50.00 $38.40
20x24 $27.84 $39.36 $60.00 $46.08
20x30 $34.80 $49.20 $75.00 $57.60
24x24 $33.41 $47.24 $72.00 $55.30
24x30 $41.76 $59.04 $90.00 $69.12
24x36 $50.12 $70.85 $108.00 $82.95
30x30 $52.20 $73.80 $112.50 $86.40
30x40 $69.60 $98.40 $150.00 $115.20
30x45 $78.30 $110.70 $168.75 $129.60
36x36 $75.17 $106.28 $162.00 $124.42
36x48 $100.23 $141.70 $216.00 $165.89
40x40 $92.80 $131.20 $200.00 $153.60
        revised 08.09.2023